18 thoughts on “Ciccone Family and the Illuminati Goddess Columbia

  1. Madonna doesn’t have to hide herself in van cuz i drove off paparazzi when indians died from car crash near front door. Indians dying like the doors song.

    listen to lyrics she says she didn’t have to hide herself

  2. A cult will have a slick well-rehearsed Public Relations front which hides what the …. Cults also try to cut you off from your friends and family because they hate …

  3. that’s the big polish secreat about the stars and epstein island…..the rich make the poor eat theri assholes salo movie shit…truth about corpophilia…some sickos with unheatlhty gut should eat some poop for probiotics/metacholorians to trekkies

  4. He’s serious Madonna….he’s not like other men…know’s a woman’s worth

    will even let a serb join the alkari….joe plan is male female and co ed competition…even the princes of england are invited…u enraged mama grizzlies without the hoodwink bring a tear to my eye..misty eyed

  5. baal on this country…go back home to croatia…let madonna hold one hand nf other hand….let anyone hold hands…borat kiss…hug…if i had both n and m i would conquer city of sinj without any political speech

  6. Croatia become the European Union’s 28th member state on 1 July 2013…by yourself will be hard…but with euro maidens piece of cake

    Madonna has to date someone her own age…have that hunza pakistani biblical baby

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