Madonna’s Illuminati Mask

Madonna Mask

Madonna showing everyone her mask on her MDNA tour.

The satanic ritual scene in the movie Eyes Wide Shut was filmed in one of the Rothschild mansions. Rothschild’s parties took on such importance that one social figure threatened to commit suicide unless she was invited…

Madonna Sex Kitten

Rothschild’s sex kittens.

Some of the hottest entertainers are Monarch slaves, such as Madonna, a Marilyn Monroe replacement. I’m sure she’s a regular at Rothschild’s Satanic Xmas party.

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Monarch Madonna

Fastforward to minute 3:32

Monarch slave Madonna wears a butterfly mask while teaching viewers how to open their 3rd EYE. U can open Ur third EYE by DOing breathing eXcercises. Madonna was so poor when she came to Jew York she lived in an abandoned synagogue. She made a slave porno film. I forget what it was called. Anyhoo, she had to suck alot of Jew dick to get where she is. She climbed the ladder to being a Monarch slave like the chicks in Eyes WIde shut, a movie made by righteous kike Stanley Kubrick. The elite Illuminati love to get their kicks by fucking celebrities behind masks.

REVELATION 17:2. The kings of the earth have had intercourse with her,

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